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- No Delays or Wait Time Once Your Seat is Reserve and Booked. We Are In The People Movers. We Cater to All Countries. U.S.A, Canada, Britain, Africa, India, China, and the World
- EMPLOYABLE CANDIDATES. Join a dynamic sales team of an international franchise, home to some of the region’s top performers!
- Is This Your Situation: Dealing With a Problem Tenant? 2021 - 2022 or, Worse Into the Future
- What Are Your Legal Obligation, Property Owners, And Legal Remedies
- Buying Land: Look Before You Leap
- Why is This Area of Land Worth More In Dollars Than Another Location In The Similar Area
- NEW!!! REAL ESTATE - {Air Bnb, Rosehall, Montego Bay, Company Accommodation, Available in December 2024, JAMAICA}
- Real Estate: (New) Company AIR bnb Accommodation coming soon in December 2024, Property Management for Local & Overseas, Rentals, Sales and Purchases of Properties, Lease Agreement, Land Agreement and Time Shares.
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No Delays or Wait Time Once Your Seat is Reserve and Booked. We Are In The People Movers. We Cater to All Countries. U.S.A, Canada, Britain, Africa, India, China, and the World
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EMPLOYABLE CANDIDATES. Join a dynamic sales team of an international franchise, home to some of the region’s top performers!
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Is This Your Situation: Dealing With a Problem Tenant? 2021 - 2022 or, Worse Into the Future, 2021-03-03
What Are Your Legal Obligation, Property Owners, And Legal Remedies
See Detail
Buying Land: Look Before You Leap, 2021-03-03
Why is This Area of Land Worth More In Dollars Than Another Location In The Similar Area
See Detail
NEW!!! REAL ESTATE - {Air Bnb, Rosehall, Montego Bay, Company Accommodation, Available in December 2024, JAMAICA}, 2019-05-13
Real Estate: (New) Company AIR bnb Accommodation coming soon in December 2024, Property Management for Local & Overseas, Rentals, Sales and Purchases of Properties, Lease Agreement, Land Agreement and Time Shares.
The Right Choice Investments Corporation is a real estate company & The People Mover Express Limited and is a subsidiary of the parent company, which falls within the umbrella of the "The Humming-Bird International Conglomerate". The Right Choice Investments Corporation was created in 2012 by our founder Mr. Alexander, and the - The People Mover Express Limited was created and started operation as of August 2016, and has established itself in the business market as a credible, reliable and honest, fair and reasonable low price entity for a real estate & transportation transaction and rental/sales which are the company of choice within various industries. This company will bridge the gap between sellers/buyers and renters and transport commuters on an local or internationally level.
We are committed to our clients and customers and ensure that we adapt to the changes in technology and provide innovative methods of assisting our clients to sell or rent their properties. We utilize the most effective and efficient state of the art marketing technology to give our clients and customers excellent service.
Our Company - [Mission Statement]
The People Mover Express Limited/The Right Choice Investments Corporation mission are to be the number one choice within multiple service portfolios provided example: transports services, vehicle rental/sale service, laundromat services, car wash bay service & Ice cream service provided including real estate consultant & provider company all within one company umbrellas services of choice in a competitive market through the use of state of the art tools & technology, human expertise and for effective marketing that will bring our clients demands and needs to be resolved throughout Jamaica and the world, thus gaining maximum exposure and exceptional results. Our aim is to provide professional service for our clients and subsequently creating a milieu that makes sense for selling, rentals or buying a house, land, car more cost effective, quicker and easier without the so called red tape and frustration within each transactions.
Our Vision - To provide the highest quality of product and service to local and international clients and local customers by utilizing the most effective means of internet marketing and advertising tools: building and maintaining a diverse professional, educated and efficient professional team of experts within their own field of expertise that works well with the public and understands their needs thus anticipates and exceed their customers expectation.
Company Essential [Core Values] -
{Breaking of or being determine by factual evidence are grounds for possible disciplinary actions taken by the company to this employee}.
Respect: Contributing to a diverse environment in which each person is valued and respected. Treating others with care, comfort, and understanding of each person needs. To feel or show admiration for someone or something that you believe has good ideas or qualities. To consider worthy of high regard
Integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles;
This concept of wholeness emphasizes honesty and authenticity, requiring that one act at all times in accordance with one's worldview. Brand "integrity" gives a company's brand a consistent, unambiguous position in the mind of their audience
Honesty: is a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, including straightforwardness of conduct, along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc. Honesty also involves being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere.
Good Name/Company Good Name: A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold. which are is Incorporated & Woven within our Company Fabric must not break.
The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it. The reward for humility and fear of the Lord
Truthfulness: Consistently telling the truth; honest even if, you did something wrong or not. It is the belief and the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared, based on the declarer’s authority and truthfulness.
Wisdom: is the capacity to have foreknowledge of something, to know the consequences (positive and negative) of the available courses of action, and take the best of the available options. The ancient Greeks considered wisdom to be an important virtue, personified as the goddesses. The other is the theme of drawing on ancient wisdom to resolve conflict.
Humble/Humility: a lack of arrogance; a feeling of inferiority, and having a low rank. In the Bible, arrogance is also a sign that someone lacks humility. A haughty spirit precedes a fall ( Proverbs 16:18 ) l Haughty is another word for arrogant. Or consider that Jesus made Himself low in rank within society. Jesus even humbled Himself. Therefore, we should also have the mind of humility. Thinking lowly of one's self; claiming little for one's self; not proud, arrogant, or assuming; thinking one's self ill-deserving or unworthy, when judged by the demands of God; lowly; weak; modest.
Prosperity: Prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving, good fortune or successful social status. It often encompasses wealth but also includes other factors which can be independent of wealth to varying degrees, such as happiness, growth (emotionally and spiritually) and health
Safety or Feeling of Safety: is a state in which hazards and conditions leading to physical, psychological or material harm are controlled in order to preserve the health and well-being of individuals and the community. It is an essential resource for everyday life, needed by individuals and communities to realize their aspirations.
Systemic Discrimination: Systemic refers to the concept of system. Discrimination within a system is not experienced systematically and is not always deliberate. Systemic racism is often seen as the tendency within a group to systematically exclude or marginalize racialized people. It puts unfair obstacles. Or,
Systematic - is a concept whereby the social structures produce inequalities based on racial discrimination. Racialized people thus face challenges due to racism from both individuals and institutions (health, education, penal system, etc.
Company Goals/Operating Objectives
To be the best in the industry exceeding all internal and external factors. To grow the business as the first choice to our consumer/customers and their siblings, and friends. Growing the business so it can be self-reliant on it-self from operating revenues created showing profits after all accounts payable & receivables are deducted each month and year. Thus able to inject back into the company additional much needed revenues to build it up financially within it and making the company stronger and more viable for investors, expansion projects,
Ability to provide for the laim/dismemberment members' of select person's or, less unfortunate individual or family members using wisdom of discretion using the means and ways of developing a "fair criteria system" that determines the actual needs and not a want of any individuals or select community projects. internal or external promotions, and profit sharing amount's all employees at various job title at the end of each fiscal year's. That fosters growth within the community, individual's and society that the company will touch a select persons and improve their own life during its operation each year.
Accountability – Show responsibility for our actions. We are committed to contributing to a positive, productive and diverse workforce keeping in mind the wishes of the consumers and the internal employees. Continue to developing our own skills and promote within but, looking to hired when required from the outside of the company to bring in a fresh and new idea, perspective, education, expertise diversity and other's competencies around us to making the team exceed the company mission statement and company objectives and goals to be the best within the the industry with human resources retention, product and services through various means of internal and external evaluation and accountability.