- No Delays or Wait Time Once Your Seat is Reserve and Booked. We Are In The People Movers. We Cater to All Countries. U.S.A, Canada, Britain, Africa, India, China, and the World
- EMPLOYABLE CANDIDATES. Join a dynamic sales team of an international franchise, home to some of the region’s top performers!
- Is This Your Situation: Dealing With a Problem Tenant? 2021 - 2022 or, Worse Into the Future
- What Are Your Legal Obligation, Property Owners, And Legal Remedies
- Buying Land: Look Before You Leap
- Why is This Area of Land Worth More In Dollars Than Another Location In The Similar Area
- NEW!!! REAL ESTATE - {Air Bnb, Rosehall, Montego Bay, Company Accommodation, Available in December 2024, JAMAICA}
- Real Estate: (New) Company AIR bnb Accommodation coming soon in December 2024, Property Management for Local & Overseas, Rentals, Sales and Purchases of Properties, Lease Agreement, Land Agreement and Time Shares.
THE PEOPLE MOVER EXPRESS LIMITED, JAMAICA {Jamaica Gleaner Wed. Feb. 14, 24. Valentine Day. Gleaner Newspaper Paper Publication Ad. Edition, Sunday, April 07, 2024}
The Montego Bay Company is expanding the Operations within the island, and are looking for hireable, trusted, respected, mature, reliable leaders, humble demeaner, skilled, talented, punctual, accountable, dedicated to success, educated and experience employees with multiple skill levels within a diverse career fields' to “Serve” internal and external customers within the company multi-financial business operations locally & International.
Eventually, one of the company objectives is to eventually turn over the successful business into the hands of local professional experience team members holding each other accountable for their own job performance excellence. To operate the local international business with the guidance, training, expertise, leadership, experiences and skills from the Executive Board Chairman, Governor, and C.E.O. Guiding the business plans and financial business success within Jamaica regards to the Company multiple Commercial portfolios'. Soon to be determine
Please apply, ASAP. Urgent!!! Hiring Career/Job vacancies. {Hiring within the Montego Bay & Proximity Area, Job Opportunities}. Advertised Employment – Hiring within the month of June 2024 within the in-person interview. Telephone interviews will start months prior to June 2024 to give all interested applicants the time to obtain all requested information by the company.
[Conditions to employment - that must be handed in and verified prior to employment telephone interview by email to the company. In-person interview will start in June 2024]. If, not handed in by that time the company may have to end up choosing another qualified candidate who has all the requirements handed in after the in-person interview. It’s a company policy:
· Police criminal record checks report turned into the company within the last 6-months of applying for this open career position.
· Full physical completed medical doctor report for "All" Employees & Company Drivers.
· No fault accident transcripts report within last 3 years report "All" Company Driver.Transport Carriage Route Passenger Local & Tourist Drivers. Including some Management personal who will be assigned a company vehicle.
· Start & train and add production value, expertise immediately to the operation, after hired
· 2 – Supervisor employment former job references from a creditable employment company. Full Name, Employer Job Title, Contact Number, Name of Business, Address to this company (Reference check will be completed prior to employment). 1-[Pastoral Reference] Similar information to previous information required.
· Send a Cover Letter with indicated Job description on it that you are applying for. Send an Individual Resume, any credentials, previous employment award you’re References within same document.
· Email The Company “All” Items listed above to the International Company Email Address:
· We will start the selection process asap after receiving your full completed documents information. {Within your Email Subject line- Please state the two open advertised position applying for with your experience in} Do not leave it blank indicate your asking wage for these positions.
· Only qualified person that fits closely with the job descriptions and experiences will be contact back by the company for a phone interview.
· Please ensure that you provide a number that we can reach you by watts up only for the telephone interview. The company is looking to fill these open career job position by the end of first week of June 2024.
Company - winning successful formula, expectations: of Managers & Employees [some areas are directly related to Managers only]
· Punctual Attendance
· Respect others even if, the respect does not return back to you.
· Keep working area always clean and tidy.
· Prior experience please and thank-you within the job duties that you have indicated in. {Stay away from the attitude of trying to fake it, to make it, “Individual skills matters”}.
· Longevity of Employment · Computer literate- working knowledge.
· No Theft, no war mongers, no workplace arguments but {Attentive listening, communication with an open mind to find a reasonable solution}, all forms of Abuse will not be tolerated by the company. Able to follow Instructions by the leaders’ that are set above that person.
· “Always carry a pleasant Smile” & be “Humble” and content within your job description, “Carry a to “Serve” Individual Attitude, and create a safe working environment with no injuries and limited the accident mishaps.
· Excellent customer service and build a business only relationship with company clients within their role of responsibilities.
· Able to learn more than one employment duties and perform more than one duty during the day – Multi tasking other roles successfully when required.
· Able to be trusted and will protect and keep clean company properties that are entrusted with them.
· Owns a reliable vehicle or have reliable means to be available for work.
· Able to compile and read operational production forecasted reports to determine future improvements.
· Proven successful record with other smaller or mid-size businesses that generates production revenues for a fiscal year a minimum of 20 - 50 million or higher.
· Able to place weekly, monthly reports together in a simplest form for others to understand using line graph’s, bar graphs, pie charts, etc.
· Proven experience leading a team of a minimum 250 employees or more.
· Experience building a new company or an expansion company making profits the first and future years · Able to train and developed employees.
· Good interpersonal skills and communication at various employment levels. Sales ability/Skills
· Able to hire quality employees that adheres to company goals and create a good employable and safe working environments.
· Faith Base - Individual · Professional working knowledge of Microsoft Professional Apps.
Open Career Position Available:
Including the above line are part of the Career position requirements from the company. attached with underneath the education criteria the
Assistant Operation General Manager
1. Education: Bachelor of Business, Diploma Accounting Practices within College, or equivalents
Office/Human Resources & Hiring Manager
1. Education: Bachelor of Business and or, Human Resources or, Diploma within College, or equivalents
2. Able to research staff growth potential and future employee Compensation packages.
3. Able to create a company employee & managers handbook within 30 days.
4. Able to discipline employees based upon the company guidelines of disciplining and or able to Terminate an individual contract when required for professional reasons only and not any vendetta against one culture, race, position, person without hesitation when required of you after all means of the disciplinary actions has been exhausted within that termination actions.
5. Able to build a confident, safe, productive, successful humble and happy work environment.
6. Able to hire new and good talented people to fill vacant position due to promotion, or resignation quickly from their previous positions.
7. Able to provide additional support to other department heads when ask.
8. Ability to lead others as an office Manager and carry out the duties of that position successfully including as well as a Human Resources Manager in your joint role within the company.
Executive Secretary/Front Desk Administrator
1. Education: Bachelor of Administration, Diploma from a College within Office Administration Duties, or Equivalent 3-4 year working experience in similar duties.
2. Able to write short-hand notes and document minutes to the company various meetings.
3. Able to apply support to the company Chairman, Governor, and C.E.O
4. Basic Bookkeeping accounting abilities.
5. Calling/Answering multiply calls and ordering company supplies.
6. Organized and accurate filing, Able to multi-task, Attention to details.
7. Typing speed minimum 65 words per minute without corrections.
Financial Controller/Accounting C.M.A
1. Education: Bachelor of Finance, or Statistics, or accounting practices. Diploma within a certified Collage - accounting management practices. or, equivalent 3-4 years direct work experience within the accounting offices
2. Working knowledge of various payroll and accounting software’s.
4. Able to create financial statements for the business each week, month, quarterly, semi, yearly.
5. Able to compile end of corporate year tax information for filing to various government agencies.
6. Able to Re-conciliate various corporate bank commercial accounts to verify the accuracy of the corporate accounts each day, week, month, quarterly, semi-annual, and yearly.
7. Able to place weekly, monthly reports together in a simplest form for others to understand using line graph’s, bar graphs, pie charts, etc.
8. Proven previous track record of minimum 3 – 4 years or more working within a small, mid-size company accounting department that generate production income of more than $10,000,000 Millions Jamaican Dollars at each year end.
9. The Company will consider junior Financial Controllers/Payroll and or Junior Accountant if, Require. but preference will go to more experience’s individuals.
Sales Manager or, Assistant Sales Manager
Education: Bachelor of Sales, Communication, Tv, Radio, and Marketing, or, Completed 2-3 years College Diploma within a Sales & Marketing course of study and a co-op program within that study of 1 year working on hand experience. Equivalent of minimum 3-5 years employment on hand direct sales in charge of the sales team experience of 10-20 employee or, more from a creditable organization employer that has a year-end fiscal tax financial report of over 50 million Jamaican dollars and up, each year. Able to "Close Sales Deals" on their own
Certified Licensed Pt. Auto Repair/Appliance Mechanic
1. Has own mechanic equipment & tools.
2. Diploma at College Level/High School or, Equivalent 3-4 years employment experiences
3. Own reliable vehicle. Work fast and safely
4. Quality, not quantity, and Reliable
5. Able to fix all types of vehicles including step wagon, minibus, dump truck etc. Two or, 4 stroke smaller engines.
6. Reasonably rate priced for labour service. Looking for part-time work at the start possible full-time work soon after.
7. Able to do preventative maintenance work and compile documentation of that work.
8. Available to inspect new or use vehicle that the company are interested in prior, for purchase opportunities. And Licensed not Expired.
Transportation Manager, or, Transport Carriage Passenger Bus Drivers/Company Truck Drivers
1. Diploma at College Level for Business Administration - Accounting, or Statistics, or a High School diploma or, equivalent of minimum 3-6 years or more on job experiences.
2. Former Juta Tour Drivers or, Not Employed Experience Contract Carriage Passenger Route driver's (current PPV licensed please), preference will goto "Do it yourself mechanic abilities"
3. Minimum 3 years of direct road experience dealing with the Transport Ministry, carries a humble, clear and direct good communication relationship with "All" the Government Agencies. {Preference will go to former transport ministry supervisors or, employees who applies for this career job posting}.
4. Able to operate a Automatic or Manual stick standard gearing shift and (diesel) vehicle or buses.
5. Experience collecting money and providing the correct change to traveling passengers.
6. Have the correct PPV class driver’s license weight from 4,500kg – 8,500kb and or, have in their possession an open class driver license to operate heavy larger vehicles like a dump truck
7. Preference will go to older, more experience road safe commercial driver that is familiar with air-braking systems.
8. Experience driving actual tourist within the island or VIP Customers or Group Travelling Customers- preference will go to these individual.
9. Proven supervisor skills or leadership skills within past working environment
Transportation/Real Estate Administrators
1. Education: Diploma College Level. Completed Sales Course in Kingston as a Certified Real Estate Agent. High School Diploma or Equivalent direct work experience 2-3 years or more within one or both roles.
2. Basic Knowledge of the both Industries: Transport & Real Estate, Professional Consultant. Basic/Expert Knowledge, Collection of Clients Barrels, Freeport/Montego Bay/Kingston
3. Interpersonal relationship skills. Persistent, and convincing sales individual, Able to "Close Sales Deals" on their own. Good communicator. Experience working alone, within group setting and with International clients